Raise Your Vibration & Boost Your Immune System

October 2020 – Healing,  Restorative and Transformative AUTUMN GROUP PROGRAM

RAISE YOUR VIBRATION and BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM online program – a 3 month deeply healing, restorative and balancing program designed to encourage you to look after your physical and mental well-being during autumn 2020. The aim of the program is to boost your immune system, and improve health and vitality by providing strategies and techniques to lift your energy and embrace elevated emotions. 

Our exclusive signature programme RAISE YOUR VIBRATION & BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM is a 90 days journey designed to help you destress; to socially engage to increase a sense of connection and safety, and to create new neural pathways in your brain. 


12 weeks

Start: 05.10.2020

  End:  24.12.2020 


Raise Your Vibration & Boost Your Immune System  - Autumn Group Online Program Package includes:

  1. Access to weekly one-on-one Reiki Energy healing session or a coaching session (70mins) in-person or on Zoom - depending on preference;
  2. Access to weekly Monday morning Guided Meditations/Visualisations (30mins) on Zoom;
  3. Access to weekly Thursday evening sessions  - Uplifting Storytelling & Inspirational Quotes (60mins) on Zoom;
  4. Online access to 12 lessons/modules for each week - digital program materials, worksheets and Mindfulness exercises to practise daily mental habits;
  5. Access to a community of like-minded individuals.

Choose a payment plan and book your place now:

  1. Single payment of only €600 (the value of online program is €1335) 
  1.   € 220.00 / month for 3 months





The healing process invites you to cultivate positive and uplifting thoughts to boost your immune system. The program includes a unique combination of:

  • mindset coaching sessions (to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings and deliberately reframe unhealthy thought patterns);
  • soul-soothing mindfulness meditations (to help you relax and to be more present in your body);
  • storytelling sessions (with an aim to uplift body, mind and spirit and promote social engagement) Dr. Stephen Porges, a distinguished university lecturer, scientist, and developer of what is referred to as The Polyvagal Theory, asserts that social connectedness and social behaviours are “neural exercises”, that promote neurophysiological states supporting mental and physical health.
  • Reiki Energy healing treatments (in person/online depending on preference). Reiki (a Japanese energy-based healing technique for stress reduction) is assisting in the body’s natural healing processes, and helping develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It dissolves energy blocks assisting the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system.


We need a strong immune response to be healthy and get rid of different infections. 

A number of studies indicate that whenever you transmute the lower emotions (doubt, fear, anger, anxiety, insecurity, sadness, shame, depression)  into elevated emotions (gratitude, joy, love, inspiration, peace, wholeness, empowerment), the immune system functions better and your energy increases. 

Scientists and physicians now know that when you think uplifting thoughts instead of negative thoughts, you are increasing the frequency of the atoms and molecules of your physical body, so that you are amplifying your energy field.  When you are amplifying your energy field, you are affecting the physical matter of your body. Your own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are generating chains of physiological events in your body. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate uplifting emotions and create constructive thoughts, and reduce stress. 

Research indicating the relation between mind and body

The following research findings show that reframing your thoughts and practising mindfulness, self-compassion and gratitude is an excellent investment:

  • Meditation leads to a higher level of antibodies: this study shows that a group of around 50 bio-engineers that followed a meditation training for eight weeks had a significantly higher level of antibodies compared to the control group.
  • Meditation boosts your immune system, as it significantly reduces stress instantly — after only 5 to 10 minutes. As stress inhibits your immune system, a short meditation will give your immune system an immediate boost.
  • Optimism strengthens your immune system. People with an optimistic mindset have more robust immune systems than people with a negative outlook.

Source: https://medium.com/live-your-life-on-purpose/boost-your-immune-system-with-positive-emotions-ff82ccb294fd

“According to the quantum model of reality, we could say that all disease is a lowering of frequency.” - Dr Joe Dispenza